Markus Imhoof, Switzerland/Germany/USA 2012 [E], 91 mins
Some beautiful filming brings sharply into focus the loss throughout the world of numerous colonies of bees. Estimates vary from 50% to 90% of bee populations having disappeared over the past 15 years. With one in three mouthfuls of the food we eat and 80% of plant species dependent on pollination, the honey bee is among insects indispensable in the production of fruits, vegetables and field crops. Does destruction of the environment bring about the decline of bees? Or are parasites, new viruses or travelling stress to blame? Seeking answers, the film embarks on a world journey to discover the answers.
Best Documentary: winner of many awards
Omar Zambrano, Venezuela 2013 [U], 8 mins
On a sunny day in Maracaibo, Venezuela, seven cameras, 20 actors and more than 200 children invade the centre of the city. In a 'flashmob' style, musicians from the El Sistema programme of youth orchestras in Zulia perform the emblematic song Venezuela to passers-by.
Discussion led by Nick Mole, Pesticides Action Network UK, Alvaro Sanchez, Chargé d'Affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy and Friends of the Earth
Screenings are at BolĂvar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL.
Nearest tube: Warren Street. Overground: Euston.
Buses: 10, 14, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 73, 88, 134, 205, 390.
Booking information: tickets are available from 10.20am on the day and may not be booked in advance.
Admission £10, concessions £8. Annual members £6/£4. Sorry no credit cards.