Beautiful When She’s Angry
Mary Dore, USA, 2014, [PG] English, 92 mins.
This documentary resurrects the buried history of the outrageous,
often brilliant women who founded the modern women's movement. It tells the
story of the feminist movement of the 1960s. They said 'the personal is
political' and made a revolution: in the bedroom, in the workplace, in all
spheres of life. Called threatening by the FBI, yet ignored in many histories,
these women changed the world. This
amazing documentary is about the women's fight for independence and for
reproductive rights. It is great learning about the history of second wave
feminism and of its implications in the current society. Using statements,
videos and photos, the film shows how the women's liberation movement emerged
in the patriarchal society from 1960's.
Speakers invited: National Assembly of Women
Nearest tube: Warren Street. Overground: Euston.
Buses: 10, 14, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 73, 88, 134, 205, 390.
Booking information: tickets are available from 10.20 am on the day and may not be booked in advance.
Admission £10, concessions £8. Annual members £6/£4. Sorry no credit cards.
Membership details.